At the puppy class last night the trainer said puppies don't tend to stray to far when let off the lead, so we took Teasel to
Ashton Court and let her off the lead to see what would happen.
I was a bit worried she would head for the horizon and we would never see her again. But she was OK - providing there wasn't too much to distract her. However she was a bit too interested in a group of children, so we had to put her back on the lead until there were fewer distractions around.
The long grass was wet and Teasel, having low ground clearance, got quite wet.
We put Teasel on the lead and walked her through a field with cows in. She was a bit wary of them, but didn't seem unduly concerned.
After we left Ashton Court the sky went very dark and started raining. After we got home the rain got harder and it turned into a hail storm. There was a bit of lightning and thunder, but it didn't seem to upset Teasel. We were glad we'd got back to the car just in time.